Sunday, November 9, 2014

Arthur Rothstein


Arthur Rothstein was born in 1915 and from Manhattan and was a noted photographer during the Great Depression era in the US. He is recognized for his contribution to the Farm Security Administration and the issue of raising awareness about the poverty being caused by the dust bowl. At age 21, he was the first photographer to be hired by Roy Striker, the head of the Resettlement Agency, to photograph the Dust Bowl in 1936. His pictures were later added to the Farm Security Administration’s collection, which included his most famous works. He later went on to photograph some of the events of World War II before his death in 1985.

Arthur Rothstein’s most recognized photo is called “Fleeing a Dust Storm,” (Top) and truly captures the essence of his work. It was taken in Cimarron County, Oklahoma and shows a man dragging his two kids through a dust storm. The background contains a destroyed and buried wood house and barren fields. The photo is a visual representation of the intense poverty felt by farmers of the time. Similarly, the other photo has a little boy wearing tattered clothing cover his mouth and closing his eyes because of all of the dust being blown around. He is standing on what probably used to be a farm but know is destroyed by the dust. Both of these photos were used to raise awareness about the Dust Bowl to congress and the general public through the efforts of the Farm Security Administration.


  1. Great photos! I agree that the one on the top is the most famous. Makes me want to see those places now. I wonder what they look like 80 years later?

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